Ni No Kuni Wiki

Although cloaks provide a smaller boost in defence than other equipment, it grants the wearer with more evasiveness, making them harder to hit. Equipped by familiars that specialise in evasiveness, some having it as their highest stat.

Name Effect Buy Sell Atk Def M. Atk M. Def Eva Acc Available

Leafy Mantle

- 30g 15g - +1 - - +1 - Cawtermaster at Ding Dong Dell, Errand 041

Snakeskin Cloak

- 100g 50g - +2 - - +3 - Cawtermaster at Al Mamoon

Cloud Cover

- - 100g - +4 - - +6 - Treasure chest at Old Smoky, Steal from Hooray

Sea Breeze Cloak

Resist to storm attack by 20% 420g 210g - +6 - - +9 - Cawtermaster at Castaway Cove

Stripy Cloak

- - 280g - +9 - - +13 - Alchemy: Recipe 098

Breezy Cloak

Resist to storm attack by 30% - 475g - +12 - - +18 - Alchemy: Recipe 099


- 1600g 800g - +14 - - +21 - Cawtermaster at Hamelin

Eagle Eye Cloak

Accuracy increases by 10% - 1250g - +17 - - +25 - Alchemy: Recipe 100

Cyclone Cloak

Resist to storm attack by 40% - 1300g - +18 - - +27 - Alchemy: Recipe 103

Green Man's Cloak

- - 1700g - +21 - - +31 - Treasure chest at The Vault of Tears, Steal from Ex-Girlfiend

Champion's Cloak

- - 2000g - +24 - - +36 - Alchemy: Recipe 101

Aurora Cloak

- 5000g 2500g - +26 - - +39 - The Peddler at Yule

Dusk Mantle

Evasion increases by 10% 9500g 4750g - +30 - - +45 - The Peddler at Perdida

Phantom Mantle

Immune to knockout attacks - 5000g - +32 - - +48 - Alchemy: Recipe 102

Beast-Hide Cloak

- - 5200g - +35 - - +52 - Treasure chest at Russet Isle, Steal from Honky-Tonker

Necromancer's Mantle

- - 7000g - +39 - - +58 - Hidden chest at Nazcaä, Steal from Hoggle-Boggle

Heavenly Mantle

Evasion increases by 10% - 11,000g - +50 - - +75 - Alchemy: Recipe 103

Diva's Mantle

- 27,000g 13,500g - +5 - - +138 - Smiley 'n' Surly at The Iron Wyvern, Errand 084, Errand 132

Equipped by[]

The following familiars and their metamorphoses can equip cloaks:

The Jabber line, the Thumbelemur line, the Hooray line, the Minor Byrde line, the Whambat line, the Tu-Whit line, the Small Fry line, the Lagoon Naiad line, the Toko line, the Auroralynx line, the Shonky-Honker line, the Boggly-Boo line, the Bougie line, the Wisp line, the Girlfiend line, the Flutterby line.
