Ni No Kuni Wiki
Fairygrounds nds デルモカール

The outside of Del Mocal, as seen from the overworld.

Del Mocal (デル・モカール) is the first location visited after obtaining a boat in Ni no Kuni: Dominion of the Dark Djinn. From the overworld, Del Mocal is a large pyramid with the word "Casino" written in neon lights, and two sphynx statues sitting at the entrance. Del Mocal has its own casino (as opposed to the PS3's Crypt Casino), and the city has a general festival/entertainment fair theme with relatively darker street lighting compared to other towns. Del Mocal is also host to the Battle Arena, the equivalent of the PS3 version's Solosseum.

Inside the casino, two female workers wear Anubis masks, there are a few golden Egyptian-themed statues, and at the top of the wall on the upper floor there is an overbearing pharaoh head statue. The quest shop also has an Egyptian theme, and the Colosseum is inside a large pyramid.

Casino Games[]

There are four games in the casino: Slot Machines, Blackjack, Platoon (aka Generals) and a replay of the Cloudsweeper mini game that becomes available after the end of the game.

Beating the game also grants you access to the casino's VIP room. There you can rewatch the animated cutscenes of the game in exchange of special tickets, each unlocking more cutscenes: (ブロンズチケット bronze ticket), (シルバチケット silver ticket), (ゴルドチケット gold ticket), (プラチナチケット platinum ticket).

To get the tickets you need to accomplish certain feats in each game and the cashier will give them to you as you leave the casino. The feats are the following:

  • Slot Machine: get a 777 with the circled (golden) 7s
  • Blackjack: get 3 blackjacks in a row
  • Platoon/Generals: win 5 games in a row
  • Cloudsweeper Battle: get S rank (win in less than 60 seconds, grabbing at least 1800 points and without getting hit)

If you get a ticket before finishing the game the cashier will tell you to hang onto them. "カジノてんいん: 「チケットは大事に保管ください。いつか 必要になる時があるでしょう。」" Casino employee: "Please keep these important tickets safe. They'll become necessary at some point."

There is a final black ticket that you will receive when entering the casino after having finished the post-game dungeon Moya Tower.

Slot Machine Tricks[]

  • The slot machines aren't random and the speed increasing/decreasing doesn't affect this. If you time it right, hitting the buttons at the same time, they'll always match up in at least one direction no matter what speed the slots are moving at. You'll always be hitting the button at the same distance (time) again and again for the first two, and the third slot is slightly slower/faster than the others so you need to adjust your timing a little bit. It's easier to get the third one right if you slightly distract yourself. You'll always be hearing the same three sounds, the first sound for the first slow coming to a stop is lower, the middle one is higher, and the third sound is the same as the very first one.
  • When running the slot machine, occasionally three little present boxes will appear. You have about a 1/3rd chance of them appearing after you get a ⑦ (7 with a circle around it, the special 7) on the screen. The better your luck has been a few spins before the present boxes appear, the more likely you are to get "bad" (purple) boxes.
  • Special items stack. So for example, if you get a 2x slow item and a 1x slow item, use them both before you spin and you'll have 3x slow (3x slow is very easy to match things in a row with).

Casino Prizes[]

There are different level of prizes, with only C class available at first. To unlock the next levels you will need to play any of the games, unlocking more prizes every certain number of plays.

  • C class: (ブライトソード bright sword 3.000 medals), (ゴージャスなふくgorgeous clothes 2.400), (きぼうのいし deceitful intent? 2.700), (クローバーブレス clover bracelet 900)
  • B class: (セレブマント celebrity mantle/cloak 4.600), (カイザークロウ kaiser claw? 4.400), (ごうかなよろい hell-fire armour 4.600), (スカラベナイフ scarab knife 5.000),
  • A class: (オーガアックス ogre axe 9.600), (ひきカエル 10.000), (マインドイーター mind eater 10.800), (かがみのたて 10.000),
  • S class: (まどうしのほうい wizard's robe 144.000), (きさきのひやく queen's secret medicine 150.000), (ぶしんのてかがみ god of military's mirror? 45.000), (シャインエッジ shine-edge 126.000),
    デルモカール fairygrounds nds nazcaän astram casino

    Inside the NDS casino, showing Nazcaän/Astram language.

NDS Glitches[]

Warning! At one point, the player fights a Nightmare, and then the game will prompt the player to save before it shows the player the next cutscene. Do not save, it may freeze your game during the save and corrupt your save file. Saving at other times should be fine. A similar saving glitch happens in the PS3's Tombstone Trail.

When playing with the English translation patch (v 1.0), the game may crash when retrieving casino prizes. Since the save file is compatible with the original Japanese game, it is recommended to switch to that version before exchanging any prize.

Points of interest[]

NDS Characters[]

  • "マタタビてんしゅ wandering gambler shopkeeper", a fat cat-lady who runs Hotel Catnip (マタタビリゾート wandering gambler resort).
  • Horace (ミラント Miranto). He gives the quest "あるルーンの成り立ち". The answer is "3".
  • A lady with short brown hair and a white/blue hat, with a light-blue dress, on the right side of the harbor, gives Oliver a recipe. It's either (カスタードプリン custard pudding) or (キャラメルプリン caramel pudding).
  • Nicky, a reoccurring character in the Colosseum
  • Mr. Gappolino, a reoccurring character in the Colosseum