Ni No Kuni Wiki


Derwin has moved on to Perdida in search of more creature data.


This errand is available to complete after defeating Khulan's Nightmare in Perdida, as well as completing Errand 073.


In Perdida, to your northeast as soon as you enter, is Derwin, and he has a new, excruciatingly painful task for you. He needs a Wispula, a Flash Fry, and a Trumpy-Pumper. However, you can't catch these; they need to be metamorphosed from their weaker forms.

TIP: The Ghost Wisperer can be tamed in Nevermore later on in the game, if you want to wait and save on evolving the Wisp twice. Same goes for the Sharper-Parper in the Miasma Marshes. If you're grinding Tokotokos though, you might as well just get the earlier versions; one fight may be enough to evolve them.

Catch the monsters listed above, then metamorphose them into their stronger versions to be able to complete this errand. You'll most likely be doing a LOT of grinding of Tokotokos to get this one done quickly.

