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Ni No Kuni Wiki

Little Martha

"Little Martha" in action.

"An exceptionally gifted handler of higgledies. Martha has a natural rapport with her tiny helpers, and can even bring new ones into existence. She loves to cook hearty stews--and have the higgledies do the dishes when she's done."

Citizen Almanac profile description.

Auntie Martha (ミセス・マーサ Mrs. Martha) is a woman that appears in Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom. She befriends Roland and Evan in Chapter 2. In Tale of the Timeless Tome DLC, it's reveal that she created the higgledy martial method to combat Air Raiders in the past.


As a child, Martha was kidnapped by Air Raiders and forced into servitude alongside other children. She managed to stay strong through it all due to the fact she could see higgledies. One day, Martha rebelled and fought the Raiders with her band of higgledies and liberated the valley, freeing the slaves. Unfortunately, the wyverns moved into the territory and Martha continued the fight against them, eventually earning the nickname Little Miss Martha.

Over time, Martha had to quit the fight against the Wyverns due to her becoming more warlike. This in turn caused her higgledies to stop listening to her, and so hung up her cape, started a family, and never passed on her special higgledy martial method.

Aunt Martha is a Higgledy caretaker. She lives in a small cottage in the Rolling Plains. After completing her side-quest, she joins Evermore as a citizen, where she increases the productivity of the Higglery.

Aunt Martha has a granddaughter named Alice, who takes over for her at the cottage until Evan also recruits her.


Recommended Level: 15
Quest 001: Auntie Martha’s Scrubber

  • 560 Exp
  • 350 G
  • 2 Three-Leafed Soreaway


  • Auntie Martha's Cottage



  • Martha favorite food is Country Corn Soup.

Citizens in Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

Evan and his closest allies, who unlock automatically during the story. EvanRolandBrackenBatuTaniLeander
Ding Dong Dell MarthaAliceGrimmGrisellaFurnestGrampussHanselHennyFitchFloydKittyKlausLady TrudyMoggie MayRaxelRitterRodenRosamundRumpelTabbiasTygerMurielNorbertPersha
Broadleaf AlexisAndrewBrianaBrodieBrookeCandyCindy MayCrispinChipDrewEliFrancineJaredKentMorganKimmyKrystalOzPriceTrey
Goldpaw Ah ChuBai GonBao WaoChi PiDa XingFai DoGao JiaHau LingHoi DenLi LiLong MeinMin TiNu BiPi ChiYa PiYip YipYo Ho-HoYu KanYung Mein
Hydropolis CallianeiraTritonGlaucusFilipposDaphneHalimedeHelenaHipponoeLycoriasMylasNereusPeleusPhorkysPontusProteusThaumasThetisSibyllaSpeio
Capstan-upon-Hull TillerKeeleyKetch
Sky Pirates Base KhunbishChingisGerelMunokhoi
Misc DekkahMileniyahSenturiSin-GulNiallTyran