Provisions are base items that can be bought in shops, dropped by monsters, or foraged.
Icon | Name | Effect | Buy | Sell | Alchemy |
White Breadふんわりパン(Fluffy Bread) |
Restores 30 HP | 20g | 10g | - | |
Sandwichジューシーサンド(Juicy Sand[wich]) |
Restores 100 HP | 100g | 50g | 001 | |
Fishburgerフィッッシュサンド(Fish Sand[wich]) |
Restores 150 HP | - | 150g | 002 | |
Cheeseburgerまんぷくバーガー(Filling Burger) |
Restores 250 HP | 500g | 250g | 003 | |
Tonicやくそうのエキス(Medicinal Plant Extract) |
Completely restores HP | - | 1000g | 004 | |
Tikka Mahala |
Restores 150 HP | 200g | 100g | - | |
Pixie Dewいやしのせいすい(Healing Clear/Spring Water) |
All party members recover 100 HP | 800g | 400g | 005 | |
Sprite Dewせいなるわきみず(Sacred Spring Water) |
All party members recover 200 HP | - | 1500g | 006 | |
Iced Coffeeすっきりコーヒー(Refreshing Coffee) |
Restores 10 MP | 200g | 100g | - | |
Strong Coffeeぱっちりコーヒー(Big Coffee) |
Restores 30 MP | 800g | 400g | 007 | |
Cappuccinoめざめカプチーノ(Waking Cappuchino) |
Restores 70 MP | 2000g | 1000g | 008 | |
Espresso |
Restores 150 MP | - | 2000g | 009 | |
Nostrumまほうやく(Magic Potion) |
Completely restores MP | - | 4000g | - | |
Sage's Secretけんじゃのひやく(Sage's Secret Medicine) |
Restores 100 HP and MP | - | 2000g | 010 | |
Great Sage's Secretしんぴのひやく(Mystery Secret Medicine) |
Completely restores HP and MP | - | 6000g | - | |
Wizard King's Secretきせきのひやく(miracle secret medicine) |
Completely restores HP and MP for all party members | - | 15,000g | - | |
Phoenix Featherふしちょうのはね(Phoenix Feather) |
Recover from unconsciousness | 500g | 250g | - | |
Phoenix Tearめがみのなみだ(Goddess' Tear) |
Recover from unconsciousness and completely restores HP | - | 1000g | - | |
Phoenix Breathてんのいぶき(Heaven's breath) |
All party members recover from unconsciousness | - | 500g | 011 | |
Poison-Be-Goneどくけしそう(Antidote-Seeming) |
Recover from poison | 20g | 10g | - | |
Nix-Be-Goneはじゃのふで(Writing Brush of Crushing Evil) |
Recover from nix | 60g | 30g | - | |
Confusion-Be-Goneきつけのこづち(Restorative/"Bringing Around" Mallet) |
Recover from confusion | 40g | 20g | - | |
Sleep-Be-Goneそうおんとけい(Noise Clock) |
Recover from sleep | 40g | 20g | - | |
Stone-Be-Gone |
Recover from stone/ petrification | 100g | 50g | - | |
Curse-Be-Goneしゅくふくのみず(Blessing Water) |
Recover from curse | 40g | 20g | - | |
Blindness-Be-Goneひかりのかじつ(Fruit of Light) |
Recover from blindness | 40g | 20g | - | |
All-Be-Goneげんのうやく(Cure-All) |
Removes all status ailments except unconsciousness | - | 500g | 012 |