The release of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch came in the form of a standard edition and a special edition.
Wizard's Edition[]
Namco Bandai revealed that a special edition of the game shipped alongside the standard version, a promotion that was also available in North America and Europe. This "Wizard's Edition" was priced at $99.99 USD.
The Wizard's Edition came with a hardcover book called the Wizard's Companion, a physical copy of the in-game tome of the same name. Over 300 pages long, it contained a bestiary, spells, history, and more. The package also came with a plush doll of Drippy, exclusive DLC in the form of two golden familiars.
A North American exclusive "Kunistarter" launched a month before the pre-order deadline. Similar to a Kickstarter, it tracked the numbers of orders placed in order to unlock stretch goals. The campaign added a soundtrack sampler, a commemorative gold coin, and a set of special art prints.
Preorders were only available directly from Namco Bandai's site, clubNAMCO.
Amazon/Gamestop Pre-Order Bonuses[]
NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. announced their GameStop® and® exclusive pre-order bonuses for Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, available exclusively for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system throughout North America on January 22, 2013.
Customers who pre-order the game at U.S. GameStop and Canadian EB Games® locations were able to reserve an exclusive SteelBook™ case with alternate artwork, available while supplies lasted when they pick up their copy of the game.
Customers who pre-ordered the game at received an exclusive Griffy Familiar, not seen in the original Japanese version of the game. Able to spy its prey from great distances, the Griffy is known as the Hunter of the Skies. With its fearsome Phantom Fangs and its potent Petrifying Puff, this creature is not to be trifled with, especially when it evolves into its most lethal forms, the Griffurnace or the Griffrigerator.